STOCK! a photographers guide

I am still unsure if this title has been taken. and still not sure how i feel about it. I looked around and didn’t see anything, but let me know if it is. And please comment. the more you do the better I can be. Thanks guys

Hmmm the title doesn’t “shout” as much as it should be (as a title) while the {AMBIENCE!} shouts more than it should be (as a sub-title)…
I think that the letterspace needs to be minus (concerns the text beside the 2 smaller photos).
I really like the artistic look of the main photo (artistic lamp - cool)
I suggest different font at the title with greater impact (maybe different color?)
Overall I like it, but If you spice it up a little (the layout is too simple add shadow, curves, colors), you will make the difference, I think :blush:

thank you. thats the critique i need. not just ‘looks good’ Much respect boohaha! i’ll see what i can do to spice it up a bit

I dont like it really.
I get an old type of magazine/website feel and I absolutely dont like the brown on Stock text. I get that feel of the whole mag. You should maybe have other colours.
(My feelings)

Hmm. i’m sorry you’re not feeling the mag. you know, if it were a real magazine this color scheme would change with the main pic. but this is the pic i was given to work with :wink: . Other then a blueish or greenish hue i was having a hard time working other colors into this. i’ll mess around with it a bit but could you let me know what else troubles you about this. Layout? Font face? anything else?