Hi all. I am working on a mockup for the interface of a game I am working on, unfortunately I am miserable at client side scripting (I much prefer to work with PHP). I have a fixed navigation bar at the top of the page I am working on, and this is mostly fine, except there is always a small border between the top of the page and my table, despite having all padding and margins at the top off.
My question is, is it possible to get rid of this or is it just a part of HTML?
And if it is not possible to get rid of, what would the easiest way to go about making a navigation bar? Earlier I was using a style-type:none, underordered lists and they worked quite mostly well, but I stopped using them because they were fixed-width and because I had trouble getting them to fit into the 60% centered width the rest of the page uses.
The page in question is here: