Hi fellas,
I havent posted much since i joined. Mainly because i’ve been busy with college and its been a while since i’ve made anything with flash.
Anyways, my team mates and I are designing a CD-rom for a college assignment and Im just doing a little navigation research. I stumbled onto this site with an interesting navigation:
Even though this may not be how the navigation is for the cd-rom, it still interests me. So I guess im asking for help on this.
Now, as far as i can tell:
The navigation is another movie being dragged by the mouse;
The nav movie has an invisible button inside;
The invisible button inside has action script (something like mouseDown or something) thatt tells the button to show the navigation;
Inside the Nav movie is another movie with a gotoAndPlay actionScript.
How am i doing so far? (Im probably way off on a few things…my flash aint so good lately).
Your time is much appreciated