Navigational Problems, Cap'n

I’ve attached the navigation I am using for my forum but I am completely lost on how to fix it up and stuff. What I want to happen is to have each little circle change colors on RollOver (I made a frame 2 inside each movie clip with how I want it to look) and then on click go to the specific page, obviously by getURL. But I’m just having problems pulling everything together. My biggest problem is that I want to display some text for each one in a box. For instance if you rollOver the left most circle the word “Members” should show up in a box. I know that I could just make a movie clip with a whole bunch of different frames with all the words and link them together, but considering its just text I figured there might be another way to do it.

So basically, I’m really really confused and need help :frowning:

Dynamic Textboxes :wink:

I didn’t check your .fla, but I don’t really need to since the method would be the same anyway…

Create a textbox, set it to be dynamic, and give it an instance name.

On your button…
[AS]on (rollOver) {
//put “Message” in field
textFieldInstanceName.text = “Message”;
on (rollOut){
//clear field
textFieldInstanceName.text = “”;

And what the heck, while I am bored you can also use prototypes…

all on a frame…
[AS]Button.prototype.rollLabel = function(message) {
this.onRollOver = function() {
lbl.text = message;
this.onRollOut = function() {
lbl.text = “”;

If you are using movie clips as buttons then change Button.prototype to MovieClip.prototype :wink:

Oh yeah, and this assumes your textfields instance name is “lbl” (no quotes)

thanks lost, I tried that but it’s still confusing me
(I did the first one, I don’t wanna give myself THAT big of a head ache with prototypes)

first of all, I can’t get the dang circles to stop blinking dangit.
Also, the text isnt showing up

I only tried it on the bottom circle, but it didnt seem to work

Really appreciate the help so far

Ok, I checked out your .fla and there are a few things…

  1. All your circle buttons are the same and do the same exact thing, so why do you have multiple symbols of the exact same thing when you can easily reuse 1 symbol by dragging it out of the library and onto the stage.

  2. For what you are doing, you would probably be better off with a Button symbol instead of a MovieClip symbol like you currently have. The reason your clips are blinking is because you are using movie clip symbols, and there is no stop() action to keep it from looping. If you use a button symbol you have a set of frames (Up, Over, Down, Hit) where each frame is a state of the button according to the mouse.

yeah… I mean I know all that stuff, but I had already made like 4 mc’s before i even thought about buttons…
and then I tried to just do some sort of onRollOver gotoAndStop frame 2 type stuff but it wasnt workin for me…
So I guess I’m gonna go ahead and make them all buttons, but I still need help gettin the stuff to display


it randomly works now

thanks a ton lost

Glad you got it working.

me too… me too
if u wanna see it,

Cool, although don’t you think that might be a bit too “mystery meat” navigation like?

but the forum is gonna be directed towards artsy people and coding people, so if they cant find it they shouldnt be there:P

either that or I just wanted to get somethin up there quick… I’ll most likely modify it a bit

Well it’s your forum you can do whatever you want :sure:

i fixed it

and I’ll most likely change it 36 times in the next 4 days so it actually does look good
but it was purple before and said vbulletin and scared me