Need a good flash developer 300.00+

My normal go to guy “may” not be avaiable due to working with me on another project. So I am looking for another Flash Developer to fall back on. This project will commence in roughly 2 weeks. I cannot give too many details at this point but I will offer the following.

Must be abe to work with the Sandy 3d API. Or be comfortable enough to get to know it. Or can make a valid suggestion on a different route.

The project will be using Of course it will be slightly modified to fit in with the site. May need a few features added/removed. So you may need to have a comfort level with that as well.

XML and scripted movement

Some random imagery and loading.

I will give more info to the selected candidate and answer questions on a question by question basis.

Basically you will be taking my layout and design and breathing life into it. I am easy to work with and always open to suggestions on how something can be done. So far my budget for this project is 300.00 usd. This could go up as we work. This may spin-off into more for a sister site of this one. Moeny will be paid by paypal. Please have some samples of works done or a portfolio I can check out if possible. My imagination is pretty wild sometimes, but AS is no where near my design ability. SO I need someone who can think pretty quick and code efficiently, as I do make changes mid-stride. But I do try to conscious of the developer and not be too indecisive. I would like to be able to contact the developer regularly by IM if possible as well.

Well hit me with questions in this thread or by PM. Also I know the money is not terribly great, but it is my budget for this moment in time. Could go up as we work.