Need a partner to produce simple flash games for popular website

Hello all,

I run a popular gaming fansite (6000+ members, 60,000 unique visitors per month, 6,000,000 hits per month) and we’re in the process of expanding our site (

We expect traffic to double-triple within the next year and we hope to accomodate this traffic by providing some games and tools for our users.

So, I’m looking for a Flash guru to help us out on this one. This will not be a paid job, BUT this would be a great addition to any portfolio as we’re one of the leading sites for our genre (Warhammer 40,000).

If you have a passion for designing games or have games already designed that can be customized for our site, we’d love to work with you in producing this. How our partnership will work totally depends on how much involvement you would like within our site - you could simply be an affiliate and we’d provide links back to your site; or, better yet you could be a staff developer for us in charge of the flash games, etc.

For more information please PM me or e-mail me at


Are you looking for just flash game scripters?

Good point. I’ve done a few games for educational purposes and stuff, although I don’t know if they’d be relevant.

Do you want scripters, designers or a bit of both?

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**Are you looking for just flash game scripters? **

Actually, no. I’d love to have a flash designer to help makeover the site.

I’d like to have the flashiest site in the industry, with a balance between content, design, and efficiency. If you’re interested in helping out in this way, that would be wonderful!

Flash game scripters, tool-makers, site-designers, everything and anything flash related is good for us.

Good point. I’ve done a few games for educational purposes and stuff, although I don’t know if they’d be relevant.

They may be! Can you send me some links to your games? If we can make some slight adjustments to 'em to match our site, that would be cool!

If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. Meanwhile, I will contact the both of you to further discuss this.


If I did help you out would you be able to link me on your site?

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**If I did help you out would you be able to link me on your site? **

For sure! We are a community website, and we have much plans to make sure all our contributors get the proper exposure… as you may notice, all our articles have the contributor’s name there… we shall make these contributors more known, etc… if you do any flash for us, have faith that everyone will know you did it! =)

So, please do contact me =)

How would you like me to contact you, AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)?

If so my screen name is: methodan48

They may be! Can you send me some links to your games? If we can make some slight adjustments to 'em to match our site, that would be cool!

Unfortunately, everything Espresso (my old company) produced was sent via satellite direct to schools, so none of it went live on the web. You can have a look at their homepage, which might explain a few things, it’s But to give you an idea, I did stuff like card games, snap, a slot machine, quizzes, true/false/ games, simple shoot-em-ups… That kind of thing.

Oh, and I draw a bit, if that’s any help.

>>>Oh, and I draw a bit, if that’s any help.

A little modest aren’t we, Kit?

