Were not looking for the best design, were looking to have the best games and a lot of cash payouts to people. Its not like its a web design site, its a game site.
By the way, this site is a rip off of the $1,000,000 webpage from a few months back. They sell pixel based advertising space. Notice they will give away $7000 after they sell all their advertising space, which will never happen.
First of all, this thread has nothing to do with game design/programming or what so ever that has to do with game development. Now, secondly, if you want someone to actually care about submitting games to your so-called “site” Mr. mpalma you have to make it attractive or at least have a genuine idea. Thirdly, I personally find the general idea of that type of advertisement very stupid.
And last but now least I would [U]NEVER[/U], I repeat [U]NEVER[/U] visit a site just to look at advertisement, and by adding Flash games you are never going to make your site popular either since there are loads of other sites that focus on Flash games, that also offer more and better games than you could ever have, so that gaining popularity by
having flash games in your site is rather worthless.
The design is dreadful. If you are interested in people visiting your site I believe improving the overall design would be more than vital…
Well, there are not many game sites without ads. If you don’t like our games then don’t play them. At least we are trying to give some money back to the community. And our games smoke anything you could ever make and match if not beat most sites games. We add 1-2 new games a week and they are all bad ***.
Pixel advertising is nothing new, but we are adding original flash games and contest that pay out over $130,000. So you can talk smack if you want or you can check us out.
And this does have to do with programming because I am looking for game developers. I find that all the bashers/haters are usually people who do nothing anyhow. I make games, and I have other developers who make games. If you looked at our site you would see we have a lot of original content.
The site isnt about getting one person rich, there is a whole staff to take care of and there is cash payouts. I think we are one of the few sites that will actually be giving back money, to our advertisers, our visitors, and our game developers. I think you will see in the future that FlashTreasres will be the highest paying site on the web to flash developers. And you will also see that other sites will start having higher payouts to match us.
X-Polar, I could care less what you think to be honest I am sure you can’t do squat as far as developing anyhow. This tread was for real developers, not whiney little non-factors.
X-Polar, I could care less what you think to be honest I am sure you can’t do squat as far as developing anyhow. This tread was for real developers, not whiney little non-factors.
dude do you really wan’t to challenge people on this forum, because if you
your cocky and i can “develop” a game way better then you can instead of asking for games :d:
err i think there’s a lot of bashing in this thread for no rhyme or reason…dudes the guy is just asking those who are interested in submitting the games irrespective of how ugly the site may be ( havent checked the site out)…Comon dont pounce on him just becoz his site seems ugly…call it a truce folkss :)…Chill people chill
well he was being rude x-polar so i stood up for him, if he don’t like the people on this forum then don’t ask for are games because i do like the people on this forum “for the most part”
what xpolar stated is true it is the wrong forum and his site is ugly, and to get a better chance make the site better, what mpalma said is that xpolar is a nonfactor, and this is for real developers so frankly I would like to see some of mpalma’s work before he says he can’t develop since his site is ugly, i don’t see any work better till then i have no respect for him
Alright everyone take a chill pill. Let’s keep the thread on topic. Either you are interested in creating flash games or you are not. If you are not then don’t post.