Need array help - AC2

I’m making a game that has 28 large animation movie clips in the library and 28 matching small movie clips sitting off to the side on the stage.

Please see file at:

The large animation MCs each have different length timelines.

All the small matching MCs have a flashing star with frame marker and splat graphic with frame marker in it’s timeline.

[COLOR=Black]I need to build an array and other code that does this:[/COLOR]

  1. When this game opens, code will pick a random 3 of the 28 large animation MCs and get them ready to play on stage, one at a time, when the play button is pressed.

  2. When Play button pressed, each of the 3 random large MCs play one after the other with a couple seconds wait between each.

  3. After these play, goes to a frame where the 28 small MCs are, which were placed in random order on the stage according to set xy coordinates. (I already built this array and it’s working). Only 3 of these 28 are the correct ones which match the 3 large MCs that were shown earlier.

  4. When player clicks on one of the 3 correct ones, the star appears (embedded in it’s timeline). If one of the wrong ones are clicked on, the splat graphic (embedded in the MC timeline) appears.

  5. If the player wants to replay the 3 large MC animations, the same ones will play again and then go back to the same grid of 28 small MCs, which were again rearranged in random order. The clicks previously made are still there (not reset)

  6. When all 3 of the correct ones are clicked on, the game resets itself and goes to a “Won” frame. See attached file.

  7. When the player clicks on the Play button, random 3 large MCs are loaded and the game is played again.

Can someone help me with this?

** I have the small random grid array done but I’m not sure:**

A. How to link the 3 random large MCs to the matching 3 small MCs so when the 3 large MCs are randomly chosen, the 3 matching small MCs are “marked” as correct picks when the player clicks on them and the rest are marked as “incorrect”.

B. How to get each of the large MCs to play one after the other without overlapping each other.

C. If I should put the 28 large MCs on the timeline with frame markers for the code to work right. Right now I have them playing in a ghost MC placed in the right position on the stage. If you run my file you will see one of the large MCs run.

D. In the 28 small MCs, if I should take the star and splat graphics out and instead, make them just replace the small MC when it’s clicked on.

Any help would be great!!!