Need Artist's Help

Okay, the short end of the story is that suddenly I am overwhelmed with work. Normally, that would be a good thing, but I have some deadline issues.

I was wondering if someone would be interested in doing some artwork for me. It is a logo, but I just don’t have time and I want to have it done by Monday.

I am willing to pay, if need be, but I am looking for something of quality.

I know we have the talent here.

Picture this:

A black labrador on a broom, the end of the broom actually turns into water. The labrador is looking toward the front, tongue out. Wizard’s hat and and wizards cape (royal blue with gold moon and gold stars).

If you’re interested, please let me know and let me know hourly rate or total price to do it. Serious takers only, please.

Btw, I do this for a living, so let’s keep the price adequate :).

important, so I will bump this one to the top. :slight_smile:

try in D&D, you might get a more serious response than in Random =)

id love to help you… but im more of the graphics type stuff…

anything that involve creating characters in photoshop or something is just not a go idea for me.

Hey montoya you were the first person to help me when I came here so I can see what I can do check your PM