Need comments

I have a couple of sites i’m working on… I recently started using flash…, and none of these sites are near finished… but I would appreciate it if you guys tell me how it is so far… (i’ve been working on these sites for only about a week now… no content yet whatsoever) <— first site for a company <-- New version i’m working on… <— my personal portfolio i’m designing…

Well?.. anything that needs to be improved …, please comment…

I like the design very much. The lightning effect might a little too much though. And who’s that girl on every picture ??? Don’t tell me it’s your girlfriends, I don’t buy it !!!

pom 0]

those are not my friends… she’s a korean singer… :slight_smile:

hmm what do you mean by u don’t buy it?.. i know people that look as pretty as her… erf :stuck_out_tongue:

Good for you ! Actually, I’m going to SIngapore next year, for 6 months, and I was wondering how beautiful they were… I feel better now.
Concerning your sites, I really like them. Very professional, classy. There’s one thing I’d like to ask you : in the first site, the old one, when you press the Contact us button, a pop-up appears, and you have those shape moving like they are drawn… How do you do that ??? I’m trying to figure out, with all sorts of tweens and stuff, but it always looks like @#%$…


pom 0]

it’s simple… =)

it’s all just masking and shape tweening… i 'm not good at telling people how to do stuff… so. gimme ur email addy and i’ll send you the source.

Wow, thanks man, I appreciate this. You see, I’m a dumb actionscripter, and everything I design looks like, well, I guess you could say shnit.

pom 0]

any more comments?.. I wanna know what everyone thinks of the sites so far… thanks…
any improvements to be made?..