Hello there! I need to make a mini game for school in Actionscript 3. Everything seemed to go fine… till I needed a certain code x) I tried to search and search… but couldn’t find it anywhere
My problem:
I have a frame which loads random pictures of a certain folder. But I want the frame to last just a few seconds… like about 5 and then go to the next frame. And however I didn’t use a stop function… this frame still doesn’t go automatically to the next one.
I hope one of you know how to fix this problem… Thanks in advance
My actionscript:
var imageArray:Array = new Array(10);
imageArray[0] = “Randomdoll/Outfit1.jpg”;
imageArray[1] = “Randomdoll/Outfit2.jpg”;
imageArray[2] = “Randomdoll/Outfit3.jpg”;
imageArray[3] = “Randomdoll/Outfit4.jpg”;
imageArray[4] = “Randomdoll/Outfit5.jpg”;
imageArray[5] = “Randomdoll/Outfit6.jpg”;
imageArray[6] = “Randomdoll/Outfit7.jpg”;
imageArray[7] = “Randomdoll/Outfit8.jpg”;
imageArray[8] = “Randomdoll/Outfit9.jpg”;
imageArray[9] = “Randomdoll/Outfit10.jpg”;
function voegtoe(){
var plaatje:MovieClip = new mClip();
plaatje.x = 50;
plaatje.y = 100;
plaatje.img.source = imageArray[Math.round(Math.random()*(imageArray.length-1))];