i was wondering if anyone could help me with some actionscripting. i’m getting used to it now but still find it quite hard. i have a movie clip of a static image with a movie clip placed inside it. This other movie clip is some fading text which i have coming in at about frame 5 till 30. I have entered the stop(); command at frame 30 to stop the movie from continiously looping on top of the image. My problem now is that i can’t seem to get the movie to reload after going to some of the other graphics i have. My buutons are in a seperate mc which i load in at the start. Is there a way of specifying an action in frame 30 of the clip which will a) tell the movie to stop playing and b) reload the movie again when it is asked to reload. ie on a mouse event such as on (release), but leave the image unaffected .My idea of this in script form (just an idea) would be something like
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1);
on (release) }
Any help or guidance would be appreciated.