[Need Help] Flash Designer

*Originally posted by flasherjaz *
**Kit i think Surrey B.C is Surrey Britsh Columbia. Not UK (USA)
and he wud have quoted in £ sign not a $ sign, there u go…
U think I can work as a freelance Detective too:P ???

haha, just kidding… i just askd one of my relatives who’z livin in surry U.K **

Not UK or USA, at all… British Columbia is a Provence in Canada.


Oh thanx niann.

*Originally posted by telekinesis *
**I will private message you my AIM screen name Ace. . . . **

I will tell you it…
It is SoCaliChika342353456322423413


*Originally posted by flasherjaz *
**btw wats SOTW kit? **


Site Of The Week.

*Originally posted by DigitalPimp *
**I will tell you it…
It is SoCaliChika342353456322423413

LOL **
:stunned: You bastard, don’t ever release my real identity!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


You were off by one digit! :thumb:

(by the way that isn’t my screen name) :wink:

*Originally posted by telekinesis *
**:stunned: You bastard, don’t ever release my real identity!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


You were off by one digit! :thumb:

(by the way that isn’t my screen name) :wink: **
…yeah, cause it’s “Ask Me For It” :sure:

In other words I want someone to ask me for my screen name. I got too many people messaging me asking for help and it is extremely annoying. I will message you and digitalpimp later when I get home on my new name!

…but he’s never online…i’d sit at my computer at night waiting for his screenname to come up but it never does :frowning:

Thanx for the info DigitalPimp.

SotW is Site of the Week, as previously pointed out… I’ve just had it with muppets who can’t read the rules properly. :sure:

Has the thread originator found someone yet, out of curiosity? :slight_smile:

Woah shhiziziznits, you guys can all contact me with theese handles

AIM: studmuffinpride
MSN: ace_eats_puss@hotmail.com
ICQ: 88956002

thanks… ill get mor info to you guys asap.