Ok, I just bought a PCI video card and I’m having trouble getting it to work. Its in the right slot, but when i plug the monitor into it, the monitor goes black and the light goes yellow. I installed the drivers, but when i restarted my comp, i got an error message about how it couldn’t install the drivers. I can’t remove the old video card, cause its horrible and its this little box thats stuck in the computer. How can i get it to work? Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.
If you installed the drivers - I take it the screen doesn’t go black anymore. Also the black screen thing is common if the card isn’t slotted in properly. Open up the pc and reslot the pci card firmly.
If that doesn’t work try changing slots to make sure that slot isn’t faulty.
No, i think i just figured out the problem. I still have the old card’s drivers and stuff running, so i think that its running the old card and not the new one. The reason the screen isn’t black is that i just plugged the monitor back into the old card, then its fine. If i go to device manager and “remove” the old card, do you think that the new one will work? And if I do remove and it doesn’t work, what can i do from there when i don’t have a working screen?
If the old card is one that’s plugged into a slot in your pc - take it out, put in the new one, boot into safe mode if you’re running win98, right click on the desktop, go to properties, then settings, then advanced tab - go to adapter and browse to the drivers for the new card - or maybe it’s a setup program in which case run that.
If your pc has on board graphics - not a seperate card plugged into a slot- then you’re going to have to disable the old one through the BIOS.
My new one is a PCI though, it goes into the little slots below where the old one (AGP) went. One of the problems i’m having is that all the instructions i can find on their site and in the book start it off with “remove old video card”. AHHHHH
Then that’s what you do. Follow the steps above. Take out the old card, put in the new one, boot in safe mode and install drivers for new card.
Hey Todd,
Yeah, that would work. I also checked out ATI’s site regarding the card you are using, and this card will not work well with multiple cards installed on one system. You will need to disable in BIOS like you mentioned.
Referring link: http://www.ati.com/support/infobase/4045.html
Ok, thats not working. When my monitor is plugged in to the new card all I get is a black screen. It only works when its on my old card. I removed the old card from my device manager, so the only one there was the new one, but it still wouldn’t work. I tried going into safe mode with old one, but couldn’t get it to work there either. I CAN NOT remove the old card, it is stuck to my motherboard. Now when windows loads, i get this error message that states:
The ATI Control Panel failed to initialize because no ATI driver is installed, or ATI driver is not working properly. The ATI Control Panel will now exit.
I also have yellow exclamation points next to both of my video cards in device manager (every time i reboot computer and have monitor plugged into the old one it adds it automatically back to device manager). The new video cards error states:
The loaders for this device cannot load the required drivers.
Well i just picked one of the d ones and installed it and it appears to have worked, i’m gonna restart now, and when it messes up again on reboot, i’ll be right back here :). Thanks a bunch for your help so far flex.
No probs. Just remember you might need to disable the old card from your BIOS.
Ok, I think I might have another breakthrough :). I believe that my computer thinks I have 2 monitors or something. C.P. > Display > settings shows display 1 as the old card and display 2 with the new one. Then it shows a picture of two monitors side by side above it, maybe its thinking i’m trying to use a second monitor or something. How do i delete the old card with BIOs? I’ve never done that before.
Remove both monitors (or the one you know is wrong) and reboot. Windoze should pick it up. When you boot the comp, normally it says press F1, or DEL or something to enter BIOS. Go through the settings until you find something like onboard VGA or something normally you use pageup or pagedown to change the settings. Change it to disabled or whatever, exit the BIOS settings but make sure you save first. Then reboot.