Really really p!$$ed Off

i just need to vent
i just bought this awesome video card which supports dual monitor setup

check it out here

and my friggin mobo wont handle it the card says its compatible with 2x/4x/8x agp slots and my mobo is 4x and the B!@tch wont work so you see im rather mad at the moment i have to wait till monday to get it changed if i get time to go to the place and change the card :angry:

thanks for listening

what happens when you try to boot your machine? does it just beep at you?


lemme try to help. what was the old card you were using PCI or AGP?

Sounds like maybe it is not seated properly (???)

try taking it out and set it in again

its jsut a balck screen and the monitor led keeps blinking and the whole screen is b;ack

and im very sure its well seated

the vga card i have is onboard i disabled it in the bios and all and still no luck frustrating it is i say

don’t disable the onboard, but install the AGP card as well. get in the bios and see what you can do from there.

btw, what kind of motherboard do you have?

ecs p4vmm2 i did that as well n none of the 2 cards work i cant even get in the bios that way

*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**its jsut a balck screen and the monitor led keeps blinking and the whole screen is b;ack

That sounds familiar. I have that problem too when trying to play Quake III Arena in some weird resolutions. To me, It’s all about the resolution, but I’m not sure if it’s the same for you.

ok this is even more wierd i used another video card on my computer and it works and i didnt have to change any settings in the cmos, i tested the video card on another computer and the card works but when i put it on my pc man i jsut get a real nice deep black screen with a green led on my monitor just blinking like those wacky mac icons when… umm sorry lost it 4 a second there any thats whats even stranger at the moment i emailed both the mobo manufacturere and nvidia see what i can do

The problem could also be that your monitor is having problems. The flashing leds could indicate that. Try using another monitor.

*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**The problem could also be that your monitor is having problems. The flashing leds could indicate that. Try using another monitor. **

thats what i thought but i tried the smae card on 2 monitors and it worked on anotehr pc i tested the same 2 monitors with the card on my pc and the b!@tch would not work godFu@#$ingD@mnit why you pice o crap i will kill you you worthless pice o poo i will… oh my you guys are listening d@mn now you guys will think im :crazy: ok i should go now bye


*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**thats what i thought but i tried the smae card on 2 monitors and it worked on anotehr pc i tested the same 2 monitors with the card on my pc and the b!@tch would not work godFu@#$ingD@mnit why you pice o crap i will kill you you worthless pice o poo i will… oh my you guys are listening d@mn now you guys will think im :crazy: ok i should go now bye **

Have you looked to see if there is jumpers on your mobo to change the AGP speed?

*Originally posted by DigitalPimp *
**Have you looked to see if there is jumpers on your mobo to change the AGP speed? **

it has no jumpers for this ive checked the manual and it just says it detects when you insert a agp card he[[ the other agp card works fine and i didnt change nothing

have you taken a baseball bat to both the mobo and the video card, that usually seems to not work for me, but hey you never know!

maybe it’s just a bad card?

complain a lot and the companies should give you free stuff… try to act cute when you do it too… heheh

ok after beating the Sh1t out of my pc i finally found out what was the problem da godforsaken power supply GODD@MN!T F@#ing power supply why did no one ever thing bout that :sigh: well im happy now :beam: thanks for the help guys :love:

*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**ok after beating the Sh1t out of my pc i finally found out what was the problem da godforsaken power supply GODD@MN!T F@#ing power supply why did no one ever thing bout that :sigh: well im happy now :beam: thanks for the help guys :love: **

heh heh …it’s always the last thing you would think is wrong

hehe, never safe money when you buy a power supply, you will really regret it sometimes :slight_smile: hrhr