Need help making a game

Hey again, I’m looking to make a game like you’ve all seen b4, a gun at the front which when people jump out, you shoot em…target practice style. I can do the graphics if someone can do the actionscripting…

Anyone think they could or would like to help?

We used to have a member here that was a master at game coding. His name was flex and his site is he disappeared from this forum for some reason. His site has some open source games.

He wrote a few tutorials about Game Techniques at WZ2K, I haven’t tried them, but knowing him, they should be good. These are tutorials on how to make the open source games like on his site pretty much. They can be found here…

Thanks a lot, i’ll see what I can get outta those :cowboy:

Hey, well I got to part 3 of his games tutorial…the part about adding characters and being able to shoot them…did EXACTLY what he said…and it didn’t work properly…nearly worked, but didn’t.

I was wondering if anyone could help me out?

AOL: HecticDesigns