Need Help On My Game!

ok, im designing a game called monkey catch that fruit. Im trying to figure out how I can make the monkey switch to the left or right without moving the body. You guys probably have no clue what I mean, but its really hard to explain.

here is an image to look at whats happening

here is the code to make the monkey switch. its scaleing the MC
[SIZE=2][COLOR=#008080]onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {


this._x -= 5;

_xscale = 100;

} else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {


this._x += 5;

_xscale = -100;

} else {





[/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=2][COLOR=#008080]ok… i first made an instance… this=instance… since its a control of a walk for a MC=movie clip

i HAVE to install it on that MC… so this means… the monkey or instance of

[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#008080]this.gotoAndStop … points two frame two of the instance of (a MC) of the monkey walking

this._X - … ok that means Monkey. _X (is just the X value)… - … means its subtracted… or MOVED over 5
