Need Help on Preloader

I need some help on my preloader. I have the preloader bar and the percentage number done. But , it doesnt’ load till about 50%, and that’s not the purpose of preloader.

I also noticed that the movie that has text scroller, that’s the one that won’t load from 1%. Can you please help me

thank you

ur preloader, is it a component?


my preloader is not a component. I got the idea from the tut here.

do u have an animation with that preloader?

no animation with my preloader, only the bar and the numbers that’s all

who is the tut by?

can u post ur fla here?

:flower: <---- felt like adding that!!

Sorry, I can’t attach it in this forum, it’s too big 287k for the .fla.

I was looking for the tut., but I couldn’t find it. I don’t know what to do now.:*(

do this one!!


any questions, probs, just ask again =)