NEED HELP! please just need to load a movie

My animation is on this site, but for some reason it is choppy at the beginning even though I have a preloader, which technically should load the whole movie before playing, so it shouldnt be choppy. CAN ANYONE HELP ME SOLVE THIS?
I am not that great at scripting. All I have is a simple preloader from a tutorial, and then a movie clip that I just need to play smoothly. Please Help me.

Whats your frame rate? If you have a lot of filters and stuff applied, that will usually slow it down too.

preloaders are choppy :stuck_out_tongue:

ensure you have nothing on the first frame, and no AS assigned first frame elements

if its the movie itself then good luck lol

whats the fps?

fps is 12. is that too low? what do you mean filters?

haha yea man thats way too low…set the fps to 30. 30 should be your default frame rate for every movie you make. You might need to redo some animations now because they might be a little too fast, but everything will be a lot smoother

crap, well Its too late to deal with all that now, would take too long to add frames to every animation, all of my animation is tweens and barely any AS. thanks though for your help, IM SURE ILL BE BACK WITH MORE QUESTIONS lol.

Actually I do have one, I am creating a site for a friend, and I was thinking of just putting a flash animation at the beginning and then at the end of the animation continuing to her HTML site. Is it possible to have an animation play and then when it ends it automatically links to the html site? without having to click ENTER like every other site. I guess an enter button wouldnt be the end of the world, but it just seems more user friendly for it to just take you straight to the main site.

First, set the movie you were originally talking about to a frame rate of 30…just see how it plays…if you like it then good. If not set it back to 12…it takes one second to change it. Trust me you will like it much more playing at 30fps.

For the second part, yes it is possible. Very easy in fact…just do all your animation on the time line and on the last frame just do a getURL(“homepage.html”);