I would be very happy if anyone could take the time to have a look at my first flash
<a href=http://www.dannenberg.net/silk>www.dannenberg.net</a>
Looking good. I do want to mention that you have it set to a stoped state when it loads, which means I had to right click on it to get it to play.
He must have changed the actionscripts once I looked at it cause it played perfect for me and by the way nice layout but I think the interface should take up more browser space I am on 1024x768 resolution and its a very small interface to me but besides that good job!
Thank you for your kind answer, it seems as if it’s a small bugg there somwhere, because the stopmotion have happend once or twice to me but othrwize it’s ben running, dear I to say OK.
I still have some problem with the loading but I hope to solve that and the have it preloaded as soon as I can figur out how to do that.
Thank you for your speedy reply, the size of the interface was set to 600x300 just as a test to see if it were possible to squeeze in some information in that small space.
PS I must make me one of those cool banners, yours the cruelest I’ve seen DS
I can help you on learning how to make a preloader its fairly simple!
Here it is:
Don’t start your actual flash movie until frame 2 and add this code in frame 1 of the main movie timeline:
if (_framesloaded >= _totalframes) {
} else {
simple as that just add a movie clip in frame one for a preloader animation! take for example my site which is still under construction:
<a href=http://www.danalu.com/dalu_layout.swf>Click Here</a>
To start the movie after the preloader to a different scene just change it to this:
if (_framesloaded >= _totalframes) {
} else {
Replace “intro” with the name of your movie remember keep these " " if you want it to be a scene or take them out for a frame number! If you want the preloader to go to the movie and stop after its done loading just put this:
if (_framesloaded >= _totalframes) {
} else {
If you do not get what I am saying just reply back and I will explain more but this should work if you know at least kinda what your doing!
And just to tell you thats a test site so don’t make fun of it I was just seeing if I could clone a DHTML menu!
There is a simpler preloader… in fact I’m creating the smartclip for it tonight… (forgive me if the a/s is not exactly correct, I’m doing it from scratch.)
MC… has actions associated with it, but nothing inside of it.
if _framesLoaded == _totalFrames
I have the night of tonight so I will sit down and see if I can’t get the preloader to work alright.
I by the way never make fun of peoples work, I like the colors and the no nonsens style of your site, myself I tend to lose myself in effects sometimes.
Once again thanks for the comment and helpful tip
The code looks a bit complicated I think I have to wait until I know more about scripting.
I thought I was Einstein when I was able to scip the scenes (one for each button) and just load an MC per button.
But thanks anyway
me too.
Well I got the smart clip done… but it still needs some tweaking. I’ll post the URL in the Flash 5.0 forum as soon as I upload. From that point it will be simply a matter of downloading the clip, and putting it in the first frame of your swf.
It will just do it’s thing from there on out.
I think the site is wonderfull…I really like the music too…I use the same software…sounds like DanceEjay or TechnoEjay which i think is wonderfull!!
good luck
Well thank you for your nice remark on the site, I will sleep happy tonight, your right about the program it’s e-jay dance.
Nice fast, simple and not to expensive, I did three different loops for the site one normal house and one latin style but this was the most neutral one.
thanks again for your kind word
Hey John,
I really liked the animation. It had a nice professional look, and the backgrounds fading into view when a button was clicked is just great! I’m on a 1024x768, and the animation could be made larger. If not, you could make the animation display in a separate pop-up window. That would be cool as well!!
Thank you for the kind words, I after been reading some opiniums I think that a window sniffer would be nice it’s a small java that check your screen resolution, or just a meny where you can choose your resolution.
once again thank you for your nice comments