Need Help Removing Duplicated Movie Clips

I need some help removing some dynamically duplicated movie clips on a little game that I’m working on.

On frame one I have some code that takes an object “CHchicken_mc” that is on the stage and I duplicate it.

Everytime a user clicks a chicken the score increments by +1

When the score reaches 5 I send the user to another frame and give them some instructions.

My problem is that when I send the user to a frame 5 the dynamically duplicated chickens are still there.

Frame 1:

numChicken = 5;
for (i=2; i<numChicken; i++) {
	CHchicken_mc.duplicateMovieClip("CHchickens_mc"+i, i+100);

Frame 5:

<code to remove duplicated chickens>

Is there a way to remove the movieclips of the chickens from the stage on frame 5?

any help would be greatly appreciated =)