Need help w/ movie clips inside clips in mx 04

okay, i’m trying to create a full website myself, and inside my main scene movie, i have a movie clip for the content… inside THAT clip on a frame for the links, i have another movie clip that has all the link buttons embedded… i’ve got those buttons set up so they stagger fade in as an effect…

my problem is, they just keep repeating, and i want the fade in effect to stop after the first time.

i’ve got a stop keyframe after the tween of every button motion, but i dont know the correct code for the movie/button clip itself to play once and then stop… this is what i have right now, as an action on the movie clip with the buttons inside it:

    onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

pardon my newbie-ness, and thanks in advance

also if you want to see what the problem is, here’s the website in it’s infancy (700k)

the problem is on the “links” tab