Stop Intro looping

Im currently in the process of putting together my first Flash site which has got an intro and the last frame of this intro forms the background for the site. After a button is clicked the very short clip plays agian and takes you to the next page. The problem is I do not know how to stop this cip looping after the last frame. Could someone enlighten me on this simple problem.

I’m guessing your using adobe’s gui tweening engine? correct?
Just put

at the keyframe where you want the animation to stop.

putting that at the end will stop flash from going to the next keyframe.
hope that helped :slight_smile:

Hi saxx, I tried this before and that seems to happen is either the first or final frame (both are the same) flashes repeatedly. :sad:

EDIT: The movie was broken in the first place thus the flashing never bothered to check it without the stop command, so need to fix that first. Thanks for solution. :slight_smile:

Wanna post a source, and see if we can fix it? or Pm it to me or whatever

The stop command helped with getting the movieclip on frame 1 to work but due to this it does not proceed to the next frame. I tried gotoAndPlay but this did not help. Frame 2 has got a button which constantly rotates, the code for which i got from this forum (thanks iceman). Each time the button is clicked I would like the movieclip on frame 1 to play and the open the link the button is associted with. If anyone can take a look at the fla to this which I have attached that would great. :beer2:

Hi, I think I have fixed your problem. First of all give your logo mc instance name logo. After that open the Actions panel and there you have written


This should be


In your logo mc you have 2 motions and a stop also replace the stop with this

onEnterFrame = function () {

here we create a function which will go to the second frame of your main movie when the animation is over :slight_smile: The last thing you should do is open your btn instance and into it you have some code add this

btn.onRelease = function ()

here we create a function which will be executed when you click the button and this function says go to frame 1 of the main movie and play this should help you :slight_smile:

Great stuff spectator!! Thats exactly what I was looking for, thanks.:beam:

Final question, after this code :
btn.onRelease = function ()
}how do I then get it to proceed to the frame it is assocaited with?