Need help with AS (certain MC's not playing)

I have a slight problem.
i have the actionscript

if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT))  {
if (this._x<=57){} else {
_root.teststuff = "pos X-" + _root.ryu._x;
this._xscale = -100;

and when i do that it only plays the first frame of the movieclip
the mc is split up into 6 frames each with its on movieclip in that for simple animations
but my other code

if (Key.isDown (Key.DOWN))
        if (_root.ryu.kicka.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy)) {
   -= crouchkick;}

and that works

it seems that i can only get 1 of 2 things to work

  1. walking animation works and attack animations dont
  2. walking animation doesnt work but still moves and attack animations work

if someone needs the actionscript or the whole *.fla i can provide it