I have a slight problem.
i have the actionscript
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
if (this._x<=57){} else {
_root.teststuff = "pos X-" + _root.ryu._x;
this._xscale = -100;
and when i do that it only plays the first frame of the movieclip
the mc is split up into 6 frames each with its on movieclip in that for simple animations
but my other code
if (Key.isDown (Key.DOWN))
if (_root.ryu.kicka.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy)) {
_root.health -= crouchkick;}
and that works
it seems that i can only get 1 of 2 things to work
- walking animation works and attack animations dont
- walking animation doesnt work but still moves and attack animations work
if someone needs the actionscript or the whole *.fla i can provide it