Need Help with contact form - intermediate

I’m fairly new to action script and am trying to work my way through a contact form that utilizes ASP to send an email. However, my clients hosting is godaddy which i despise. I need to know if i did something wrong in the programming or if the issue is in fact with godaddy. It should be a very simple look over for any intermediates/veterans…Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!

Also, I am still beginner in working with server side scripts from flash, I know that in oreder to get this to work appropriately i need to use sendAndLoad, but, I am not familiar with the method and can’t figure out how to pass the text to ASP to get it to send.

Here is the “send button” actionscript:

on (release) {
function checkemail(email) {
        var str = new String(;
        var arr_email = str.split("@");
        if (arr_email.length != 2 || arr_email[1].indexOf(".")<1) {
            showerror("Please Enter a Valid E-Mail Address.");
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

function showerror(message){
    _root.err = message;

if (_root.username !=  ""  && _root.username != undefined && != undefined && != "" && != undefined && _root.address != "") {
    if (checkemail({    
        loadVariablesNum("postmessage.asp", 1, "POST");
        _root.username = ""; = ""; = "";
        _root.address = "";
        _root.err = "Thank You. Your message has been sent.";
} else {
        showerror("Please Complete All Fields Before Continuing.");

and this is the ASP code:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Buffer = true

Dim myMail, bodyText, subtext , mtext01, mtext02, mtext03 , mtext04

mtext01 = "Name:" & Request.Form("username") & vbcrlf 
mtext02 = "Email:"  & Request.Form("email") & vbcrlf
mtext03 = "Phone: " & Request.Form("phone")  & vbcrlf
mtext04 = "Address: " & Request.Form("address")  & vbcrlf

subtext = mtext04
bodyText = mtext01 &  mtext02 &  mtext03 

Set myMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

if request.Form("email") = "" then 
    myMail.From = "No name"
    myMail.From = request.Form("email")
end if

myMail.To = ""
myMail.Cc = "" 
myMail.Subject = subtext
myMail.MailFormat = 1
myMail.Body = bodyText
Set myMail = Nothing
Response.write "DynText = send"