Need help with fullscreen flashpage

Hi :slight_smile:
I hope someone here can help me with this little problem.
I making a site where the background have to be fullscreen and the content centered. I found and followed the tutorial here on Kirupa, but it doesn’t work as it’s supposed to.
It’s kinda hard to explain, but try to stay with me here :slight_smile:
The problem is as follows: When you view the page for the first time the background is not fullscreen, but if you refresh the page with ctrl+F5 it loads again but this time in fullscreen. If you don’t understand what I mean, check (it needs a preloader bad, i know, but it’s still a BIG wip)

Can anyone plz help me with this? I need help.
I have this code on background movie (bgholder), which have to be fullscreen:

Stage.align = “LT”;
Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
stageListener = new Object();
stageListener.onResize = function() {
expandTop = function () {
bgholder._width = Stage.width;
bgholder._height = Stage.height;