How do I make this movieclip (flame2) be on the bottom layer of my movie? I want the text over the top of it…
it says my file is too big to attach.
I have a fla file with with several layers, and I have attached a movie clip to frame 1.
On the main timeline, I have some text, but the movieclip is playing over top of the text. I tried changing the depth but that is not effecting anything…
Here is the code I have to attach the clip…do I need to specify something about levels or what??
When using attachMovie() your movie will be on top of everything else.
Why is this?
Well because in actuality, the clips you create on the layers in Flash are at such low levels, that I am not even sure that you can go below them. Then are way down in the negatives.
You will have to insert the clip manually for it to show correctly, or as grim stated, swapDepths() might possibly work.
attachmovie doesnt have to be above everything else (this was in the flash test post in random lost, you should know this ;)), its all based on the specified depth you give it.
The depths of clips you place on the screen, on any layer is very LOW. In first placing a clip on the screen the depth is around negative 16000 (yes negative). Each clip placed afterwards has a slightly higher depth as in placing the clip on the screen, it will default to be above any clip that is currently there. This is of course unless you place it in a lower layer at which case it will be lower. Layers themselves are only references for you in flash to group a bunch of objects to be above of below any other group of objects (in other layers). Once a swf is created, these layers pretty much dissappear and all you’re left with is a number value representing the depth of each movieclip. All the clips in the top layer have a higher depth than the clip with the highest layer in the bottom layer. These depths consistently change as you are editing in flash and moving things around in layers, but once published to a swf, all get resolved down to a single number representing the arrangement. And this number is the number used when attaching movieclips (and swapping for that matter). So what you need to do is, if you want to attach a movieclip to a position below an existing object is either a) attach your clip normally and swap the depths of the original clip above the attached clip, or b) attach the clip below the original clip to begin with, which as I mentioned, is quite low.
Senocular- again thank you for sharing your knowledge. You are such a great help! By the way, you replied to one of my threads last week and sent me a link to understanding setInterval. Well I checked that link and also found my way to some more where you explained arrays and functions…at least it said your name at the bottom.
I wanted to thank you because your explanations were so clear and understandable and gave me that much more of a boost into the deep crazy :crazy: world of actionscripting.
Your knowledge is much appreciated =)
ah yes! Ill have to go and finish those function and array tuts (and put them in the current dull format). Ill do that this weekend too. Glad they could be of help!
*Originally posted by senocular *
**attachmovie doesnt have to be above everything else (this was in the flash test post in random lost, you should know this ;)) **
Yeah, I did know about it, but I couldn’t find the thread and I couldn’t remember if you said that the items on the stage were at the lowest levels possible or if you could go lower.