I have been trying to understand and grasp the nature of this beast but it seems to be over my head. The few tutorials I have been able to find do a good job of describing how to control the movies placement in the file when the browser screen is resized. However, the effect I am trying to achieve is to have a non-scaling menu with a slideshow of images that fill the entire background. My problem is that all of these tutorials contain blank backgrounds that proportioning and distortion of them does not matter. I need the pictures to be able to scale, yet maintain their original proportions. I can acheive this by making the html file 100% with no border, but once I starting scripting the liquid layout it it begins to change the proportions of the scrolling images.
The best way to see what I mean is visit this website.(http://psychohandsome.com/) It is very similar to the effect I am trying to acheive. Please any help would be appreciated!!!