Need help with mp3 player

I have build this mp3 player for my friend and it works just fine when i test it on the computer, but when i upload it on the test server and try it - the songs are not playing.

here is the action script responsible:

MovieClip.prototype.songStarter = function(file, name, band) {
if (this.sound_obj) {
delete this.sound_obj;
this.sound_obj = new Sound(this);
this.sound_obj.loadSound(file, true);
_root.soundLoading = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if(_root.soundLoading == true) {
var tot = this.sound_obj.getBytesTotal();
var lod = this.sound_obj.getBytesLoaded();
if(lod != undefined && lod > 100){
	var perc = int((lod*100)/tot);
	display_txt.text = "loading..." + perc+"%";
	if(lod == tot) {
	 _root.soundLoading = false;
	 delete this.onEnterFrame;
	 display_txt.text = name+" / "+band;
	 timeInterval = setInterval(timer, 1000, this.sound_obj);
this.sound_obj.onSoundComplete = function() {
timeDisplay_txt.text = "00:00";
(song_nr == songfile.length-1) ? _global.song_nr=0 : _global.song_nr++;
_root.sound_mc.songStarter(songfile[song_nr], songname[song_nr], songband[song_nr]);

any help will be much appreciated

P.S. how could I prevent the songs that already have played from loading again in the future and make them play from the memory?