Need help with my project

hey i need you guys opinion on my project. the subject is computer graphics editing and the project is to make a magazine and catalogue from Adobe Photoshop. the problem is i don’t know where should i start on and what should my magazine based on? technology? sport? can you guys please give me some idea on it?? thanks ay!! :asian:

Is it like a school project? We can’t really help with the content, just the design :slight_smile: Choose a subject your interested in? :beam:

  • Soul :s:

nah just gimme an opinion on what i should do

well if it’s a magazine you could have all the different things it that you mentioned.

Why not have product reviews, testimonials, examples of work, tutorial section with 2 or 3 of them, other software from adobe to promote how easy you can go between the different programs, websites of the month…

Those are some ideas.

eh hey! now you’re getting me sureshot! heh so what more do you have in mind??

same thing here, do a product review and have some tutorials available… like in the ART magazine… oh how I love that magz…