Need help with MY SQL DATABASE!

hi all…
any tutorials for my sql database would be good… i’m a very new beginer… so 1st thing dat i would like is a tut for just how to start off… i havent really used it as yet because i stuffed the starting up so i want to know how to do that bit properly- i already know some of dreamweaver to let u know of my bio
but yea need help wit my sql database

thanks in advance

by any chance whatsoever did you try using google? :slight_smile:

your ‘SQL database’? or ‘MySQL database’? :slight_smile: Two very different things.

[ot]stop following me, go follow MichaelxxOA :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


also, there are a few good mysql/php/flash integration tutorials here on Just search the home page.

lol… you go tail mike, I ron da muffin forums!:rap:


Try googling it before hand ONLY if you cant find it you post here

try googling it before hand ONLY if you cant find it you post here

yep understood :P… thanks again