Where to Start?

Well, I looked through the "Sticky"s, and saw a lot of good sites, but I’m hoping to get one, or two answers to get me in the right place.

I already know a lot of:
[]ASP (Enough to get by)
]And others
But I have not yet had a chance to really learn any PHP & mySQL.
Ironically, I have them both installed, and running on my Apache Server, since I (was) using phpBB. But I want to know more… I want to be able to build a site from scratch (using DreamWeaver is good, too), which uses a mySQL database, and PHP to render the pages. Where is a great (perfect) place to start? What tutorial/book/site is the ABSOLUTE Best Place to Start? All the ones I’ve actually looked at either: (A) Have too little information, or (B) Assume I already know the basics.
Someone have a good answer for me? Or should I just browse the aforementioned tutorials some more?