Need help with resizing

Hi - I am trying to accomplish the following. I can do it if I don’t change the dimensions of the picture, but if I do, it never works.

  • Import picture
  • Make movieClip to hold picture - mc.addChild(picture)
  • Drag and drop picture(mc) anywhere
  • Add one textField
  • Drag and drop textField on picture(mc)

Everything noted by * works as it should

Now I run the program and the have that same picture added by itself, in no movieClip, just as a bitMap on 0x and 0y coordinates. I also have a new textField appear on the picture exactly where I placed it before, when I was dragging and dropping. It works fine if the picture remains the same size. In this case, 700x500 pixels by doing this:

var textField2:TextField = new TextField();
var bx = movieClip.x //this is the same movieClip the original picture was in
var by = movieClip.y
textField2.x = textField.x - bx;
textField2.y = textField.y - by;

Again, that works fine and the new textField2 snaps into place on the new picture, exactly where I placed textField over the movieClip. The problem is, if I take the initial pictures width down to 600 (rather than 700 original) and try and repeat this process, it is way off. Even if I account for the width loss by making “bx = movieClip.x - 100”. I have no idea what is going wrong here.

If anybody could help, this would be a lifesaver.