NEED HELP..with signature type thing

Allright, You know how alot of users have a signature type thing after they post something?, well i put my where your supposed to in user profile, and when i post something, i can see it but apperently no one else can…ne one wanna help me out??..

You have to upload the file to a server in order for everyone else to see it. The code you have addresses your C:\ drive… we can’t see what is on your C Drive. If you need a place to host it you can upload it to my domain here:


Allright thanks, i had a server to upload but thanks for offer…and help…


think i did it…

yup its working.:stuck_out_tongue:

yup, no problem. But Kirupa has requested that you keep the height of your signature under 60 and the width around 300. It helps keep the forum’s layout clean.

allright, thanx ill fix that, right now its at 92,350

*Originally posted by Fade-away *
**Allright thanks, i had a server to upload but thanks for offer…and help…

      :beam: **

Welp, the server i uploaded is ****…so if you dont mind im gunna upload to the one u suggested…thx:beam:

no problem.