Need help with the Vibration tutorial

I made slight changes to the code so my vibrating text would always be in the same place and stay there instead of random cooridnates:

onClipEvent (load) {
height = 150;
width = 500;
cx = this._x;
cy = this._y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = cx+(1+Math.random()*5);
this._y = cy+(1+Math.random()*5);

However, I also want to have the text fade out while at the same time sliding away to the left. I had it doing that via timeline animation but as soon as I put actionscript on the clip it would not do it anymore.

Here is the link It’s the first text phrase that appears, you’ll notice by the vibrating effect:) The rest is unfinished so pay ne heed):

How can I fix this?

