Text and photo effect! PLZ help thanks

In Flash, Is there a way to learn how to make the words vibrate rapidly and the text color displays a burst of light at short intervals
alot of movies/videos use this effect…

thanks to anyone that helps

For the text thing you could either make a small movie clip about 6 frames long containing your text and just alter the position of the text slightly in each frame. No ActionScript required as you want to to loop continuously to get that vibrating look.

Alternatively you could do that with ActionScripting, changing the _x and _y properties of the text so that it vibrates.

As for the burst of light, if you mean the famous Ray Of Light effect, then David has written a tutorial for that right here on kirupa. Otherwise you could probably play around with the Alpha value of the MC - if you fade it out to 0% and back to 100% pretty quickly, it might look as if it’s ‘flashed’.