Need help withMM style menu to work - Flash 8

Hi I have a copy of the macromedia flash menu which I have originally found on this great forum. I have changed it a bit considering my little knowledge. It was great fun and enjoying it a lot.

But I can get the top buttons to link to a URL properly. My sub buttons work fine.

And when do get the top menu links to work , its opening more then one page of the same link and disabling the submenus (and make them dissappear)

If anyone willing to help I’ll post my fla code here.

(Please note there is only 3 headings that has sub menus others are straight links)

I can’t also create a link to a button that has submenu. Perhaps someone could at least make a dummy link so that I know how its works .


PS: Sorry posted to Flash 5 by accident :frowning:

in the top buttons change the URL from relative path to absolute path

Hi Thanks.

If I assign any apsolute URL’s then buttons do not work at all. Not even the sub menu.

can anyone please have a look at he code and set up some dummy URL’s (eg. so that I can see how it is done.


I cant open it in mx2004. would help otherwize.