i need help urgently…i’m now doing an interactive in flash, the problem is…my button does not want to link to my other scenes. Is it because that my button is in a movie clip? what can i do if i do not want to bring my buttons out from the movie clip??
I know that some members here can read minds, but unfortunately I can’t, so I’m afraid you’re going to have to post your code, a fla, or anything that could help the non-psychic folks like me to help you
he has a button in a movie clip and he thinks that is why the button won’t work i’d have t o agree with Ilyas on this one post it there are so many things that could be wrong
thanks for replying, the actual file is rather big so instead, i did something similiar to my interactive file as my interactive size is way to big, hope u understand what i’m doing here…hehe
You needed to give each of your scenes a frame label.
hey thanks for your help…it works now and thanks to you…i really appreaciate it!
just for future reference… an i aint bein nasty or owt but i dont suppose you could name any threads you make a little bit more intuitive if u understand wat im sayin
rather than “help needed” you could say “button help needed” sjust friendlier and your more likely to get a response