Need Input

Something is wrong with my code because the hittest algorithm isn’t detecting or something. I’m sure its some sort of logical error in my code. To be honest, this is my first time coding in flash and I need to finish this project for a class soon. Anyways, here’s the code I have attached to the object. I created and symbolized the walls, all imported for actionscript, however, when my object overlaps a wall, nothing happens at all. Any input is appreciated.

onClipEvent (load) {
power =0.5;
yspeed =0;
xspeed =0;
friction =0.95;
thrust =0.75;

onClipEvent (enterFrame){
if (this, hitTest(_root.bottomWall)) {
else if (this, hitTest(_root.leftWall)) {
else if (this, hitTest(_root.rightWall)) {
else if (this, hitTest(_root.topWall)) {
if (_global.leftWall == 1){
_root.text=“im hitting a wall”;
xspeed= 0;
yspeed= 0;
_root.thingy._x =120;
_root.thingy._y =120;
else if (_global.rightWall == 1){
_root.text=“im hitting a wall”;
xspeed= 0;
yspeed= 0;
_root.thingy._x =120;
_root.thingy._y =120;
else if (_global.topWall == 1){
_root.text=“im hitting a wall”;
xspeed= 0;
yspeed= 0;
_root.thingy._x =120;
_root.thingy._y =120;
else if (_global.bottomWall == 1){
_root.text=“im hitting a wall”;
xspeed= 0;
yspeed= 0;
_root.thingy._x =120;
_root.thingy._y =120;
if(Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)&& (_global.rightWall !=1)){
xspeed += power;

    _global.righty = 1;
}else if(Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)&& (_global.leftWall !=1)){
    xspeed -= power;
    _global.lefty = 1;
if(Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)&& (_global.bottomWall !=1)){
    yspeed += power*thrust;
    _global.downy = 1;
}else if(Key.isDown(Key.UP) && (_global.topWall !=1)){
    yspeed -= power*thrust;
    _global.upy = 1;

xspeed *= friction;
_x += xspeed;
_y += yspeed;
