Newbie question!

hi people! well i have a question im trying to star to lear a little actionscript by making a game so my problem is making the walls to work…

i am trying to use hitest to make walls floor and those things and from what i understand
if i want my “hero” to detect a colision i should use this:

soo this detects that the 2 mc’s are overlapping but how do i make my hero not pass trough the wall?
perhaps… something like this?
[COLOR=Red]if (hero.hittest(wall))==true
x=-10[/COLOR]//wich would be the last position since my speed is ten right?
but what if it comes from down? or left or from above? how do i make my wall unwalkable from all angles?
also i would have to write the hittest for each diferent mc i make? that would be WAY to long… isnt there an easier way to detect a colissioN? cuz i’ve also read that hittest really slows down the movie!

AND i have another question(im sure is a very dumb question =P)
i want my hero to walk(speed=10) and when i press shift to sprint(speed=30)but… when i test the movie i can walk and when i press shift the speed changes to 30… but even after i stop pushing shift the ■■■■ hero keeps moving with 30 of speed! how can i solve this?
here’s how i’ve got the code:
speed=10;//sets a variable named speed
speed= 30;

[COLOR=Black]i’ve also tried changing it to this:[/COLOR]
speed= 30;
or this:
[/COLOR][COLOR=Red] if(Key.isUP(Key.SHIFT)){
speed= 10;
but none of then work…[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Black]And finally(last i promess!!!)

could anyone link me a good tutorial to simulate gravity and giving my character the ability to jumP? please?:geek:

thanks in advance for anyhelp some of u geniuses can give me ! =D:geek:
btw/questions like this should go here or on the game/ai forum?