Need some advice on my flash business site

Hey all you gurus out there. I could use some help. I have never used flash before up until about a month ago. I am using Flash CS3 and have created a pretty decent flash site in my opinion. Nothing compared to some of the gurus out there but its decent. Well i am starting a computer business here in my town and i am about to start advertising and posting my site everywhere. Before i do i was hoping that i can get some advice from some of the great forum gurus out there. You guys have got me this far. If i ever had a question i looked on the forums. You can be nit picky i wont cry. I want this site to be great and attract business. I plan to add more graphics and definitely better title graphics. However for some reason i make some really cool ones in photoshop and the are pixelated when i put them into the flash website. If anyone has some really cool ideas on some great title graphics i would love to also hear about them. This site is not done by all means however it is close enough to start showing people. Please let me know if there is something that catches your eye that needs to be changed or that you like. I know this site doesn’t show how great my service is but it certainly will aww people once on the site. So if you have any comments, suggestions, or tips i would love to hear from you. If you would like send a comment through the website so i can make sure everything is in working order. Thanks again for all the help you have given me already. Much appreciated.

Here is the site…