I’m still pretty new to AS and was wondering how to go about this. But I’m creating a flash file to be put on a cd and I want to create a button that navigates to certain folders on the cd. Anyone here have any suggestions?
i’m not sure if flash will let you view/open folders because of security reasons, but i’ll play around and find out…
hi there
i have an ideia but i need to know what do you want to do exactly
if your ideia is to load images from several folders on the cd it’s easy but if want to navigate the folders to see waht’s inside of it then i can’t help you cause i don’t know
well i am pretty sure u would be able to go into different folders on a cd, but if it is going to be on a cd, i would suggest making a projector (.exe) for your movie.
Yep, I’m making a projector. I think I wasn’t very clear the first time, but all I want is a button that opens a folder on a cd. Like it just opens x:\folder\subfolder and that’s it.
[AS]getURL(“location/file”, “_blank”);[/AS]
Thanks! This is your super 13337 post lostinbeta!!
LOL… glad I could help
no more 13337ness here
of course yes… flash can manipulate your PC… you can even put actionscripts that will open a .exe file or format a drive! But not in MX… sorry… But FLASH 5 will.
hi there
"of course yes… flash can manipulate your PC… you can even put actionscripts that will open a .exe file or format a drive! But not in MX… sorry… But FLASH 5 will. "
rvanet can you tell me how do you do that in flash 5?
ok… take note… u can do this in Flash 5 only…
opening some directory:
FSCommand(“exec”,“explorer <directory_path_and_name>”);
create directroy:
dirName = “myDirectory”
FSCommand(“exec”,"command /C md " + dirName);
delete directory:
dirName = “myDirectory”
FSCommand(“exec”,"command /C deltree /Y " + dirName);
and a lot more… 'twas called Flash Tricks.
I got that from a good source quite a long time ago. hehehe
Cheers! :thumb:
I believe they removed that from Flash MX because it poses a major security risk.
Yes… You’re absolutely right!
Hey, I know this is a long lost thread, but I couldn’t get the geturl command to work but I found an alternate solution:
Create a batch file like this
@echo off
start .\directory\subfolder
Then point your button to that batch file using fscommand to execute it and it’ll open right up.
The batch file must be in a subdirectory called fscommand though. Also, in that batch example directory is a subfolder of the fscommand folder. I could be wrong, but that’s what Macromedia’s documentation was. It will only execute if you convert your project into a projector.