Need some help with animating text

Hi all,

I’ve been playing with a fla source that I downloaded from here

I would like to create this text effect, but on this tutorial I can’t go to the next page for some reason! So I can’t go through it and attempt to understand the way it works, and edit it to how I want it…

I’ve changed the text to my text and have changed the font size by clicking on the dynamic text box in the movie and simply changing it that way. But this looks really strange as it makes the letters have different spaces between them. I understand that the ‘kerning’ bit of the code controls the spacing, but can’t seem to make the ‘odd spacing’ smooth out.

I would also like to change where it starts in the movie as I have a load of other stuff I would like to happen before the text comes in, but just moving all the frames forward doesn’t work. Obviously this has to do with certain numbers in the actionscript - I’ve tried playing about with the numbers (as I can’t work out what does what!) but nothing changes…

Can anyone tell me a way how I can control this way of animating text, or maybe even point me in the direction of a similar tutorial that I can access fully?!

Thanks in advance
