Need some help with colors

I just added on this site, that when you click on a link/button, it turns the color of that link white…now what i would like, is that when the next link/button is click, it turns that link white, and returns the last clicked link back to its original color. for reference.

If you use MX you can use a movie clip as a button and use…

on (release){

That way when you release it will gotoAndStop at the frame# you specify and you can’t go back until you refresh the page (like on the site you showed)

Easiest way I can think of to do this would be where you click and turn the one link white, just have it cycle through the other links and turn em all to black…

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**If you use MX you can use a movie clip as a button and use…

on (release){

That way when you release it will gotoAndStop at the frame# you specify and you can’t go back until you refresh the page (like on the site you showed) **

And to turn it back (sorry didn’t read that part) on your other buttons go

on (release){

And the mcInstance name is the instance name of your movie clip symbol button, and it should gotoAndStop at the frame of your original color.

you can probably set up a prototype for this to make it easier, but right now its not coming to me, I will see what I can do, but that is the basic theory.

To do that though, I would have to go and replace all my buttons as MC’s


I don’t know another way. Maybe someone else can help you :-\

If you are interested either now or in the future here is a .fla I whipped up with a somewhat unorthodox prototype method of doing this, but it works :wink:

Flash MX only though.

is it possible to use a return function?

Yea i see what you’re doin in that one, that was my original idea, but i would have to go back so much in my flash file, that’s what I get for not planning though =(

Sorry man. I wish I could help, but I can’t think of anything else.

My mind is not in the right place tonight though.