Need some help with creating and deleting Array Data!

Hey guys,

I’m working on a game for my flash class, where you a question pops up and asks you the name of a US state and you guess the state. I have created the 50 states as buttons with the questions. Each state is in its own frame and i need a way to randomly select a state.

After the game begins i need to crate an array with the frames of all states and then have a random() function select a frame from the array and display the question on the screen. After that it needs to delete the frame from the array so the random() function cannot select the same question twice. Once that is done and all of the data is gone from the array then it needs to move on to a different frame where the total number of questions correct is calculated and its display on the screen.

I know how to do the question counter but i need help with setting up the array() and random() function.

Thank You for all your Help!