right i had this idea today, i was looking for cheap shopping cart solutions and it struck that none really exist.
And by cheap i mean virtually free!!
I am basically looking for some suggestuions on where to look for tutorials covering MySQL as secure servers (as it would need theses things) Actionscript wise and within FLASH istelf id be ok designing one but i have NO clue about MySQL and secure connections etc??
So anyone know a good place to start looking for info on it??
or even better any scripter fancy helping me build one which could be distributed on sites like this for a small or no fee??
that help?
thanks its a good link but i was thinking of FLASH shopping carts!
should have explained that really…
Well, you would take that link and then use Flash to load in the variables, but I have to ask a question:
Why make a shopping cart in Flash? It would just require more work and would probably be less functional then one that is done in strictly HTML/php. I personally feel that its not necessary to do that, but its your site. just my opinion.
Anyway, just use the link that he redViper gave you and then load the variables into Flash.
ok first i wanted to create a flash shop because you could make it have some great interactive graphics and make it more snazzy.
Also if i can make a reasonable shopping cart for flash i woill distribute it for nothing for other flash designers (beginners) to download as a cheap easy solution !! well thats the plan anyway.
Ok so i tried to use the link but it just wont let me download that particular shopping cart?? why not can you try the link as well jubba , thanks for the help you guys…