Need some visual tips

I have recently upgraded my Tooltip class and I would like ur opinions on that.

Ex. does animation is good, graphics or layout of tooltip.

Also I’d like to hear what behaviors you could imagine (to incorporate into it).

For now it supports an icon, a textField, sound with progressBars (play,load) and detection while it won’t fit into stage (showing direction changes int 4 ways).

[blur]I was also thinking about possibility to show it in a specific place and close manually or have some buttons etc…

To check what I’m talking about, just rollOver that menuor border to see it changing directions:

[ot]Can you suggest me the look of submenus?
This is the old one:[/ot]

I could submit code but for now it is dependant on my project and won’t be friendly (some external linkings).[/blur] Usage

Tooltip.attachTooltip(internalBorder,"<B>It's a border</B><BR>Just RollOver and RollOut in different places."),"Info",null,genarateColor());