Need your opinions on making a platformer!

Hello everyone,

I want to create a 2D scrolling game similar to the Mario games. Now before someone just posts the links to those two 20 page long threads about making one, let me explain my situation :slight_smile:

I have already made one (sort of), the physics in it were nice, in fact, I was surprised on how well they turned out since I had no prior experience. But anyway, the problem comes from the way I dealt with collision and the scrolling of the background. Long story short, I really messed it up and now it’s a pain to deal with, however I could still manage to complete my platformer if I can’t find a better solution.

So I’m thinking of just redoing the entire thing using Bitmap Collision tests. But I would like some opinions on how to deal with the scrolling of the background first. It is my understanding that you cannot “move the camera” and that you have to “move the background” instead. In the game I have, I made it so that the main character never actually moves and it’s the background always moving. What I would like is something in between, for example, if you’re at the bottom of the screen and you simply jump, the “camera” won’t move, but if you jump up a few platforms and get closer to the “top” of the screen then the “camera” will move up accordingly so that you can see what’s higher up.
(same thing when you’re going down)

ANYWAY, can someone help me with that type of scrolling all while effectively having collisions ?

p.s.: Any help is appreciated, would it be some code or ideas on what classes to make and how to use them

thanks in advance !