
I was kinda inspired by jay-em’s wallpaper and decided to do something similer for fun :stuck_out_tongue:

done in 3DMax
havnt really thought about the composition or anything yet…just a test render! any crits welcome! :slight_smile:


Good Job kei! :thumb:
C’mon EG… Throw something at us !! lol

Yay! You guys invited me to come play! :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s something I threw together real quick. =)

wow very nice EG :smiley:

lets turn this into a battle :stuck_out_tongue:

no battle, I don’t want to get my arse handed to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

EG did u use C4D too creat that ?

How im trying, I got it yesterday :frowning:

C4D and photoshop. =)

bah no battle :frowning:

I’m not gonna battle with EG…

Check it out…

This one turned out kinda neat…
>EG< Keep it rollin…

:open_mouth: stolen!

huh ? :bad:

that last one is mine! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think some hacker put it on my machine…haha :stuck_out_tongue:
Good one…:m:

By the way kei, I like the turn table… When is your site gonna be up?

lol dont think u can fool my eyes jay-em :bad:

thats from my old site :slight_smile:

I havnt worked on my new layout :confused:

Your serious!?
Where? I couldn’t find it…

what are u looking for? :stuck_out_tongue:

HaHa… I thought you had rendered something like what I had posted… Lack of sleep I guess… I thought you REALLY thought I stole that image…:hangover:

it looks like u took my render and mirrored it a few times :stuck_out_tongue: