Nested Button In MC Using Sliding Menu Tutorial

Hi, I’ve been working on the Sliding Menu Tutorial:

I got everything working great.
I’m trying to alter it a bit. As secondary navigation, I’ve nested a previous and next buttons inside the content1 MC.

I’ve tried using different AS to get the nested buttons to work so;

Inside the content1 MC
On the actions layer, I’ve tried:

testnext.onRelease = function() {


this.testnext.onRelease = function() {

On the actual button instance, I’ve tried:
on (release) {

The action script used in the main time line on frame 10 is:

var currentPosition:Number = contentHold.content1._x;
var startFlag:Boolean = false;
menuSlide = function (input:MovieClip) {

if (startFlag == false) {

startFlag = true;

var finalDestination:Number = input._x;
var distanceMoved:Number = 0;
var distanceToMove:Number = Math.abs(finalDestination-currentPosition);
var finalSpeed:Number = .3;
var currentSpeed:Number = 0;
var dir:Number = 1;

if (currentPosition<=finalDestination) {

dir = -1;

} else if (currentPosition>finalDestination) {

dir = 1;


this.onEnterFrame = function() {

currentSpeed = Math.round((distanceToMove-distanceMoved+1)finalSpeed);
distanceMoved += currentSpeed;
contentHold._x += dir
if (Math.abs(distanceMoved-distanceToMove)<=1) {

contentHold._x = maskMovie._x-currentPosition+dir*distanceToMove;
currentPosition = input._x;
startFlag = false;
delete this.onEnterFrame;




b1.onRelease = function() {


b2.onRelease = function() {



Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong?